The following delivery conditions apply when purchasing from the store.

Delivery of Goods to Parcel Lockers

We deliver to Venipak, LP Express (Unisend), and Omniva parcel lockers located within the territory of Lithuania.

Delivery price to Venipak parcel lockers: 1.45 EUR*.

Delivery price to LP Express parcel lockers: 2.20 EUR.

Delivery price to Omniva parcel lockers: 4.40 EUR.

*We charge an additional fee of 40 EUR + VAT for deliveries to Kuršių Nerija which would have to be paid separately.

Free delivery

UAB “Papricado” reserves the right to offer free delivery at any time. The terms and conditions of promotions are determined by the Seller.

Important notes

  • Goods must be collected from the parcel locker within the time specified by the courier service that provided the delivery.
  • When the shipment is delivered, the Buyer will receive an SMS or email.
  • If the Buyer provides incorrect information or simply does not collect the shipment, the return cost will be deducted from the refund amount.
  • If the Seller delivers the goods to the address specified by the Buyer, it is considered that the Seller has properly fulfilled the delivery, and the Buyer cannot make claims regarding delivery to the wrong person.